Incredible Adventures News and Updates
Incredible News - Ho Ho Ho Edition (December 2006)
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Happy Holidays from Incredible Adventures!

My how time flies when you're busy adding new adventures! It's hard to believe another incredible year is almost over.

Fly the DC-3Do you realize we added seven new adventures this year? We introduced ultralight flights, two new biplane adventures, SeaOps, the DC-3, spaceflight training and tiger sharks.

MiG flights in RussiaThis will also go down in history as the year we lost our MiGs then got them back in a big way. We're proud to now be the only non-Russian company licensed to sell MiG flights in Russia. If you flew with us at Zhukovsky, you should definitely book a trip to Nizhny Novgorod. You'll be amazed at the differences between the two airbases. The Sokol plant has its own air museum and a guest lounge complete with billiards, table tennis and television.

If You Really Want to Stroll Down Memory Lane...

Internet Archive WayBackMarchineThere's a website we like to visit from time to time, just to remind ourselves of how far we've come in the past 13+ years. maintains a digital history of websites. Type our website address into their "Wayback Machine" and you can travel back in time to see what our website looked like back in 1997. You can do the same thing for your other favorite websites. The internet never ceases to amaze us!

The Always Changing Website...

While we're on the subject of changing websites...If you find yourself at home over the holidays, surfing the net, be sure to stop by our website to check out some of the most recent changes.

We've* added great new photos to our Sardine Run page and new photos and video to our Air Combat USA section. We've added pilot bios and a fun new video clip to our Hollywood Top Gun pages. We're sure we've added some other things too, but we just can't remember them right now.

* all honesty, we didn't have much to do with it. Credit goes to our incredible webmaster Nancy, who has been making our stuff look pretty for the past nine years.

This Year's Top Grinch Award Goes To...

Atlas Aerospace of Moscow, Russia.  Do not book a MiG adventure with this company. Do not let your friends book a MiG adventure with this company. You'll never get your flight and you'll never see your money again.  Trust us. We know things.

Honorary Grinch Awards go to, for telling website visitors they had 139 customers fly at an airbase that wasn't open all year and Extreme Travel and Adventures, Inc. of Santa Clara, CA for stealing the entire Russian Ops section of our website and posting the information as their own.

You Can't Leave Home Without It

Don't forget the new passport legislation that goes into effect in January. If you have plans to join us in the Bahamas for a tiger shark adventure, you'll need to have a passport. Simply showing your driver's license and birth certificate will no longer do. (Unless you're getting to the Bahamas by which case, you have a little longer to get your passport.) You can read the new regulations here.

Add Incredible Underwater Photographer to Tim Taylor's Resume

Join us in congratulating our very own Capt. Tim Taylor. His photo was selected among the best of all submitted to a recent National Parks Photography Contest. (You can join Tim on a Bahamas shark adventure.)

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Sarasota Office

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! from Judy, Sheri, Jane & Greg at Incredible AdventuresMaking dreams come true is hard work, so we've decided to give ourselves a little vacation. We'll be closing at 5 pm Friday, December 22 and will re-open on Tuesday morning, January 2nd.

We all have big plans for the time off.  Greg will be spending the time with his family, which includes a brand new baby son. Sheri will be off to California for an incredible sightseeing adventure. (She'll be back in Florida in time to celebrate her New Year's Day birthday though!) Judy hopes to do a lot of kayaking with her husband. And Jane, well, she plans to spend a lot of time on a tennis court, once she gets her place ready to be tented for termites.


Christmas in Russia comes January 7th, so our staff in Moscow will be taking their holiday break from January 1st until January 10th. We aren't sure what they all have planned, but since it's Moscow and winter, we'd guess snow is involved.


Some of us have a mild addiction to checking email so if you really need us, chances are good, we'll only be an email away.

Santa Brought Us New Phones!

For months, we'd be in the middle of talking to great people like you...telling them all about our Hollywood Top Gun adventure in Burbank, our new programs in Moscow or our air combat adventures, when the phone line would suddenly go dead. (Rule number one of trying to make sales is probably "don't hang up on your potential customer".) After visits from three different phone guys, the problem was finally traced to our phones...our THIRTEEN YEAR OLD phones. (Yep! They were purchased when we opened our doors back in 1993.)

Thanks to Santa, we now have a new phone system to get us through the next 13 years. 

(In case you're curious, we have big plans for our old phones...right after our holiday lunch, they'll be tossed out the window of our second floor office.)

As If We Could Forget Him...

Covert Ops Fantasy Camp"I attended Covert Ops in Arizona about six years ago. I was in the second group that has ever been on this awesome vacation. I am also the "poster guy" on the brochure wearing the sunglasses and pointing the 9mm at the camera. Well a lot has happened since. I am a police officer in New York and I would like to attend Urban Ops with two of my friends....The tactical driving portion of Covert Ops actually helped me on the streets of my sounds like the Urban Ops would be a great training start." 

Wow! What a great endorsement. And we didn't even pay him.

Incredible Adventures


Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.
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