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Incredible News - May 2007
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Good Bye Planetarium, Hello Space Foods

When you're preparing for a real Space Mission Training at Star City Russiaspace mission to the International Space Station, there's no such thing as optional training.  You have to learn all there is to know to be deemed qualified to launch.

When your only mission is fun, you have a choice. You're free to skip right past anything remotely boring and go straight for the good stuff.  That's exactly what you do when you're a Cosmonaut for a Day with Incredible Adventures.

Cosmonaut for a Day, Space TrainingWe've used the most recent feedback from customers and input from our Moscow-based staff to create a "new and improved version" of the Cosmonaut for a Day adventure we've been offering since 1994.  Our new program now includes an encounter with space foods instead of time in the planetarium and replaces Sokol Suit training with the more popular Orlan Space Suit Training.   

A Cosmonaut for a Day adventure is $4950 and makes the perfect stand-alone space adventure or can be a great addition to any Russian MiG or L-39 program.  It can easily be customized by adding centrifuge training, manual docking instruction and more. Participants must provide proof of good health and allow 30 days to receive security clearance.

For a limited time, if you bring a friend along to Star City, you each save $1000.  For a sample training itinerary or to schedule your Russian space adventure, email Greg. You can see great Star City photos here.

Space is as Close as Pennsylvania

If you'd love to experience space training but can't get away to Russia, the NASTAR Center offers the perfect solution. NASTAR is short for National Aerospace Training and Research Center and is located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Beginning in October, we'll be offering great one, two and three day adventures in the facility's centrifuge and altitude chamber.  For more information, visit our website or call us at 800-644-7382.

Hollywood Top Gun Team Returns from Cannes

The guys behind our incredible Hollywood Top Gun L-39 Adventure just returned from the Cannes Film Festival, where Hollywood Top Gun L-39 Flightsthey were promoting their latest movie "Fast Glass".  Movie and jet buffs may enjoy reading this article from the "Hollywood Reporter".  (Note...the "Hollywood Reporter" knows movies but they obviously don't know their jets. The flick features our guys Dave and Skip and other great pilots in the L-39 jet trainer. Why is it that people think any plane with a red star on its tail is a MiG?)

If you'd like to make your own short movie in an L-39 jet trainer, call or email us today.

Warning:  These Photos Will Make You Want to Fly

Professional photographer Photos of L-39 flights: Hollywood Top Gun AdventureBruce Hershey was on the scene of a recent Hollywood Top Gun adventure.  The photos he captured are nothing short of incredible.  You can see some of them here.  If you'd like Bruce to follow you during the making of your Hollywood Top Gun movie, just let us know. We'll be happy to give you his number.

Captain Tim Taylor & Kids Return from Arctic

Captain Tim Taylor, best known for helping put together our incredible Farallons and Bahamas shark diving adventures, just returned from a trip to the Arctic with his two kids. They were part of the Wild Blue Kids High Arctic Expedition.  Wild Blue is an organization that plans activities for explorers ages 3 to 10.  You can read more about the group at  You can see some of Tim's great expedition photos here.  (It doesn't surprise us at all that an adventurous guy like Tim has two very adventurous kids!)

Shark Day vs Shark Week

Cage Diving with Tiger SharksThe way we see it, you have two choices. You can spend July 28th, sitting on your couch, watching sharks on the Discovery Channel, or you can spend July 28th actually diving with tiger sharks at legendary Tiger Beach in the Bahamas.  We think one day of watching sharks from our cage trumps an entire week of watching sharks on TV.  Watch our newest Bahamas shark dive video and we think you'll agree.  If you'd like to join us in the Bahamas for an incredible cage diving adventure, call or email Sheri. Cage divers pay $875 and topside viewers pay $375.

Bahamas Travel Note: American citizens now need a passport to fly to the Bahamas but a passport is not yet mandatory if you enter the Bahamas by boat. If you're looking for an inexpensive way to get to the Bahamas by sea, we suggest the Discovery Cruise that leaves daily from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Assorted Stuff

IA President Jane Reifert is off to Aspen in June to speak at Flight School, a workshop highlighting the emerging commercial space market. She has the dubious honor of being the token female speaker. She'll also be chairing a space tourism session at Space 2007 in September, an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics event.

Colorado Skyfighters have closed their hangar doors. The great guys who have been offering dogfighting adventures near Denver in the T-34 for years have decided to retire.  Lucky for you, there are still lots of great dogfighting adventures to choose from.  (Reminder...Father's Day is just around the corner and an air combat adventure makes a great gift!).

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HALO Season Extended

High Altitude, Low Open Parachute Jumping

Jumping out of any perfectly good airplane takes a certain amount of courage. Jumping from nearly 30,000 feet while wearing oxygen? That takes some serious guts plus special training and equipment. HALO (high altitude, low-open) skydiving was once only done by members of elite military special forces. (The idea behind HALO is to jump high enough and pull the chute low enough to avoid detection by enemy forces until the last possible moment so as to maintain an element of surprise.)

HALO jumps are now available all year long outside Memphis, TN. For pricing & details, call us or visit our website.

In the past, we've only offered jumps from May through November. Our incredible instructors have now decided that if you're brave enough to HALO jump during the winter months, when the temperature at high altitude dips so far below zero we don't want to even think about it...well...then they are too.

New Novel Plugs
Incredible Adventures

Life's a BeachA fun new "chick novel" from Claire Cook, bestselling author of "Must Love Dogs", includes an interesting item in the back of the book...a link to Incredible Adventures!  We're not quite sure how we earned the honor, but we have our suspicions. One of the characters in the new "Life's a Beach" is about to turn 50 and trying to decide how to spend the big day. Lots of people celebrate their big birthdays with Incredible Adventures.

"That Was Worth
Every Bloody Penny!"

Mig FlightsWe know our MiG flights aren't cheap, but ununfortunately, the cost of operating and maintaining high-performance military aircraft gets higher every year. (Trust don't want to know what a MiG flight cost back in 1993.) That's why we all smiled when Simon's email arrived. We work hard to make every adventure live up to the price tag, so it's nice to know we're succeeding. You can read what else Simon had to say about his MiGs over Russia adventure here and see photos from his day at the base here.

So Many Ops....

Covert Ops, SpecOps, Russian Ops, Sea Ops and more!There's Covert Ops and Specops. Russian Ops and Urban Ops. SeaOps and Ultimate WV Ops. Plus, Bodyguard adventures and survival training. If you want to get in touch with your inner GI Jane, Rambo or James Bond, we likely have the adventure for you.  For a listing of upcoming programs, call or email Sheri.  (Be sure to check out our new $2950 Bodyguard Adventure.)

Press Nothing to Get a Real Person...

When you call Incredible Adventures during business hours to request information or ask a question, the first thing you hear isn't a recorded message asking you to "press 1" for such and such and "press 2" for something else. You get a real person answering the phone the way people answered phones in the days before voice mail and impersonal customer service. While most companies seem to do everything possible to avoid having to talk to you, we want you to call us. We like answering your questions and making sure you know everything necessary to choose the right adventure for you. We're here from 8:30 til 5 pm, EST, Monday through Friday. The number to call is 800-644-7382.

Incredible Adventures


Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.
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