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Incredible News - December 2007 - Another Year Comes to an End
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Happy Holidays from Incredible Adventures!

Happy Holidays from Incredible Adventures!It's been an incredible year. Our sales were actually the highest in company history! Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Your support of what we do is much appreciated.

When we weren't busy selling adventures, we were busy adding adventures.  This year, we introduced:

In case you're curious, this year's most popular adventure, in terms of the number sold, was our great white shark adventure near San Francisco.  Second place in the "most popular adventure" category goes to our Hollywood Top Gun Adventure in Burbank and Las Vegas.

MiG-31If you ask us what our favorite adventure is, chances are we won't tell you...we'll say "it's like asking a mother to name her favorite child." But let's face it. Mom always has a special place in her heart for her first born. If you can do just one adventure in your life, make it the adventure that started our incredible MiG flight over Russia. If a certain Russian guy hadn't offered a certain American guy a flight in a fighter way back when, we wouldn't be here, selling adventures and having so much fun. 

If You Really Want to Stroll Down Memory Lane...

We told you about this last year, but it's worth repeating. There's a website we like to visit from time to time, just to remind ourselves of how far we've come in the past 14+ years. maintains a digital history of websites. Type our website address into their "Wayback Machine" and you can travel back in time to see what our website looked like back in 1997. You can do the same thing for your other favorite websites. The internet never ceases to amaze us!

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Holiday Hours

Sarasota Office

Incredible Adventures Sarasota StaffWe know we make it look easy, but arranging adventures around the world is actually hard work. A zillion little details go into making sure each and every adventure really is incredible.

Don't get us wrong...we love our jobs.  We're just all really tired and in need of a long winter's nap....and a vacation.

We'll be closing for the holidays at 5 pm Friday, December 21 and will re-open on Thursday morning, January 3rd.

If you do need to find us over the break, you might look for Greg on a fishing boat in the Gulf.  Sheri could be a little harder to find. She plans to be underwater somewhere taking lots of photos. The best place to look for Judy will be in a kayak paddling down some canal and you'd have a good chance finding Jane on a tennis or volleyball court, unless of course, she's at a mall looking for winter clothes for a January trip to Moscow.

Of course, if you don't want to come to Florida and hunt for us, you could just email.  We won't be in the office but we'll still be checking email and phone messages on a somewhat regular basis.

Moscow Office

Christmas in Russia comes January 7th, so our staff in Moscow will be taking their holiday break from January 1st until January 10th. We aren't sure what they all have planned, but since it's Moscow and winter, we're sure snow will be involved.

(P.S. The photo up above is a little old but we didn't have time to take a new one.  We're much better and younger looking now.)

Incredible Adventures

800-644-7382 / 941-346-2603

Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.
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