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Incredible News - February 2007
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Just Consider Us Your Personal Test Dummies

Tiger Shark Diving BahamasWe don't just sell all these incredible adventures. We've been known to test them too! Earlier this month, the role of adventure tester went to Sheri Lewis, our in-office shark expert. Sheri flew to the Bahamas to see for herself just how incredible it is to dive at the place known as Tiger Beach.

This incredible tiger shark photo was taken by Duncan Schloss, one of Sheri's customers.  Visit our new Bahamas photo gallery to see more great photos taken by Duncan, Sheri and our very own Tim Taylor.

Our next open dive date for individuals is April 5th.  For more dates and information, visit our website or email Sheri.

The Ultimate Hollywood Top Gun Adventure

L-39 Flights, California & NevadaImagine being one of the stunt pilots for a new Hollywood movie.  You'd get to fly in really cool jets and hang out on an actual movie set along with real movie stars.  Your name will appear in the production credits. You'll even get to walk the red carpet at the movie's premier.

Here's your chance to go behind the scenes and into the sky for the making of a Top Level Motion Picture from Mach 1 Aviation.  Think "The Fast and the Furious" meets "Iron Eagle" or the "Top Gun" of a new generation. 

Not everyone can be in the movies. This rare Hollywood opportunity is available to just one individual and he or she must have the right stuff.  Good health, a strong stomach and a love of all things Hollywood is a must.

Filming is scheduled to begin in mid-April. The starting price for this one-of-a-kind experience is $50,000 and can be upgraded to include an on-screen close-up.  Fly your way into the movies. Call 800-644-7382 for more info.

Float Where It All Started

Zero Gravity flights in RussiaIn February of 1994, thirteen incredible years ago, a reporter from CNN broke the news.  A company in Sarasota, Florida had just arranged for a group of civilians to experience weightlessness aboard the Russian Space Agency's IL-76 MDK.

You can still float where it all began.  We're now offering a select number of zero-gravity flights in Russia.  Be warned though. Zero-gravity in Russia is nothing like zero-g in the US. There are no comfy seats for take-off and landing. Instead of being briefed commercial-airliner style in the use of drop-down oxygen masks and exit doors, you'll be fitted for a parachute.  Because your flight will be scheduled aboard the exact same plane used for real cosmonaut training, there's the possibility, although slim, that the date of your flight could be nudged ahead or back a day because official space training takes priority. That's the not-so-good news. The good news is the Russian weightless plane is a lot bigger than the US plane and offers greater room for making those incredible zero-g maneuvers.

Our next flight is May 25th. For details and additional flight dates, contact Greg.

P.S. Did we mention zero-g in Russia is now available at a new lower price?

Trivia, Key Dates & Assorted Ramblings

Did you know the jets in the new Cingular/ATT commercial are L-39s? Or that the latest issue of National Geographic Magazine calls the place where we offer our new tiger shark adventure a "shark Eden"? Have you marked on your calendar that great white season in the Farallons starts September 22 and the first five-day liveaboard great white adventure to Isla Guadalupe leaves the dock August 26th? Did you know that if you ask Greg in our office real nicely, he might send you a DVD showing what it's like to fly jets at Nizhny and Vyazma?


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ZERO-G is the Coolest

Zero Gravity Flights in Florida & Las Vegas

Join us for the adventure Men's Journal Magazine just named "One of America's Coolest Man-Made Thrills".

Our US zero gravity adventure now launches regularly from two great locations: Florida's Kennedy Space Center and fun-filled Las Vegas.  The cost of this truly incredible space adventure is $3675 per person and no prior astronaut experience is required.

For a complete listing of flight dates, including the date of a special upcoming New York flight, call or email us today.

Vyazma - Where Great Russian Pilots are Made

In a small town about three hours from Moscow, young Russian Air Force pilots train to fly fighter jets in the incredible L-39 jet trainer. Their instructors are members of the famous air show demonstration team "RUS" and are considered to be among the world's top L-39 pilots.

Now, you can fly with one of these amazing men without joining the Russian Air Force. Add a Russian L-39 adventure to any MiG package or skip the MiG and just fly at Vyazma. Either way, it's guaranteed to be an incredible adventure.

Purchased alone, the Vyazma packages are $4950 and $7500. Add Vyazma to any MiG program for less. For complete info, call Greg at 800-644-7382.

This is The Year

MAKS 2007 AirshowEvery other year, one of the world's premier aviation events takes place at Zhukovsky Air Base, the former home of our Russian MiG adventure. The air show is one of the world's biggest and draws exhibitors and display teams from around the planet.  Over 650,000 people attended the 2005 show.

You can be part of this year's excitement. Fly a MiG or L-39 the week of August 25th - August 30th and we'll include a free day at MAKS 2007.

Airshows Yes, MiG Flights No

Fly a MiG-29 in Russia

From 1993 until 2005, Incredible Adventures arranged over 2000 jet flights at Zhukovsky Air Base, located about an hour's drive from Moscow. Vladimir Loginovsky, one of our former pilots, is helping to organize this year's MAKS 2007 airshow at Zhukovsky.

We can take you to Zhukovsky to see a great airshow but we cannot take you to Zhukovsky to fly a MiG. Despite what some guy in Pennsylvania has been telling people, MiG flights have not been possible at Zhukovsky for a very long time. (If you don't believe us, we encourage you to check with the American Embassy in Moscow.)

MiG flights now take place at the legendary Sokol Aircraft Building Plant.  Only one airbase in all of Russia is authorized to provide flights and only one English-speaking company is authorized to sell the flights. (Gee, can you guess who that is?)

Incredible Adventures


Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.
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