Incredible Adventures News and Updates
Incredible News - August 2007
Incredible News is a free publication from Incredible Adventures. Phone: 800-644-7382.
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DC-3 Adventure - No Longer Just for Pilots

Fly the DC-3Great news for all you non-pilots who have been dying to fly the classic DC-3. A pilot's license is no longer required for this incredible flying adventure.  The original pilot license requirement was based on the fact two pilots are required to take-off and land the classic airliner. Now, if you aren't a pilot, you'll start and finish the flight in the jump seat while a co-pilot we provide sits in the left seat assisting DC-3 flight instructor Dan Gryder. During the flight itself, you'll be permitted to sit in the left seat for an introductory lesson in flying the plane credited with making commercial air travel popular.  This adventure is available year round near Atlanta. For more info, visit our website or call us at 800-644-7382.

Russian Ops:  Fun in the Wilderness With Guns, Knives & Shovels

Russian Ops, Denver COSpend three intense days at our Russian Ops training camp near Denver, learning wilderness survival, pistol shooting, self-defense and more from the same guys responsible for training government anti-terror teams.  The program combines training elements from Russia's Spetsnaz, Britain's SAS and the US Army's Special Forces. You'll probably never need to know how to throw a knife or fight with a shovel, but don't let that stop you from signing up for this fun outdoor adventure.  The cost is $2275 per person and our next camp takes place October 4th-7th.  For details, email Sheri.

MAKS 2007 - An Incredible Event in Russia

MAKS 2007 Airshow in Russia MAKS 2007 Airshow at Zhukovsky Air Base

Galina, our general manager in Moscow, sent us these great photos from the opening day of MAKS 2007, a huge airshow held at Zhukovsky Air Base every other year. (We offered MiG flights at Zhukovsky from 1993-2005. Now we fly out of Nizhny Novgorod.)  She also sent us links to two incredible videos from MAKS 2005. One features Team Rus and the pilot you can fly with if you book an L-39 flight in Russia at Vyazma. The other shows just what a MiG-29 can do in the hands of a great pilot.

We know flying a MiG in Russia isn't cheap, but trust us when we say the experience is worth every penny...and more.  If you'd like to fly a MiG before the snow flies, call 1-800-FLYMIGS or send Greg an email.

Our Adventures are Incredible, But Definitely Not Fabulous

Genuine Incredible Adventures LogoWe are Incredible Adventures. We are not Incredible and Fabulous Adventures. We're a real company. Incredible and Fabulous Adventures is not.  We discovered the fake company's website when we were Googling ourselves. (We do that occasionally...just to make sure people looking for Incredible Adventures can find us.)

The site contains lots of great information about flying MiGs and training for space. (That's because the info was stolen from our website!) Someone who didn't know better could actually believe they were a division of our company. 

Please be very, very careful when shopping online. Make sure a company is real before parting with your money.

Here are four other "companies" to avoid:

Extreme Travel & Adventures: (Another fake company that stole our stuff!)

Atlas Aerospace: Company owner Yuri Nikiforov is missing. So is a lot of customer money. reincarnated as ThrillPlanet:  (They're now advertising gift certificates for warbird flights. Buy one and you could discover that all you've bought is a piece of paper. Read more about the two "companies" here (They'll make you believe over 90 people have flown at Zhukovsky Air Base this year. The truth is the base stopped providing civilian flights in 2005.)

IA's President to Attend AIAA's Space 2007

Incredible Adventures President Jane Reifert will be co-chairing a session on space tourism at this year's Space 2007, a huge annual conference sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). This year's event takes place in Long Beach, CA in September. 

Incredible Adventures offers lots of great space adventures, including a cosmonaut training adventure in Russia and a three-day spaceflight preparation program in Pennsylvania. A lot of the programs are so new, they haven't made it on to the website. For the latest offerings, contact Greg at 800-644-7382.

We Made Stuff

Stuff Magazine, that is. Our incredible adventures earned a mention in the September issue of the popular men's magazine, out on magazine stands now.  (We're headed out to pick up our own copy of the publication now.)


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Be Thankful You Aren't an Elephant Seal

Join Greg, Peter and the rest of our incredible shark team aboard the Tamalpais for an incredible great white shark adventure.  (That would be diver  and shark guy Greg, not to be confused with MigMan Greg.)

Great White Sharks, Farallon Islands, CA

Our giant shark boat departs from the town of Tiburon, located just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. We leave before dawn and journey 25 or so miles out to a grouping of miniature mountains known as the Farallon Islands. Lots of wild things happen out at the Farallons but we go there for one reason hopes of seeing a shark attack. More than one on a good day. (The technical term is "a predation".)  Each year, lots of very big Great White Sharks travel to the Farallons in search of the giant elephant seals they prey for dinner.

Shark Diving in California

This year's shark season starts September 22 and continues through November 18.  Lots of dates are already sold out, so if you'd like to join us for a Great White Shark Adventure contact us soon. For more information, visit our website or email Sheri.

Dive Tiger Beach

Tiger Sharks Bahamas 

See the Great Tiger Sharks and the Great Lemon Sharks of the Bahamas. (Cage dive with these sharks and you'll think they deserve a "great" in front of their names too!)  We're now booking into the following dates:

  • September 29
  • October 27
  • November 10
  • December 8
  • January 19
  • February 16
  • March 15
  • April 19

Our wonderful webmaster Nancy has just finished posting photos from our July Bahamas shark adventure. You can see them here.  For more information about cage diving in the Bahamas, contact us at 800-644-7382.

Info That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else...

The vehicle formerly known as the Deep Flight Aviator (now it's the SAS Aviator), will be making an appearance at this year's Fort Lauderdale Boat Show in October.  Although sub rides are not currently available, we hope they'll return to our adventure line-up soon. (The aviator has been out of commission while it received a lot of great upgrades.)  In the meantime, you can find the latest SAS Aviator photos and information at

The best place to dive with Great White Sharks continues to be Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. It takes a while to get there and back but the journey is worth it. The multi-day liveaboard adventures start each year in August and continue through November. Sheri will be happy to give you all the details.

US Zero-G is going Platinum on November 3rd.  On that date, a special zero-gravity flight with American astronaut Buzz Aldrin will take off from Las Vegas. Be part of this special event for $9345. Call us if you'd like to float with Buzz. 800-644-7382 (Other flights are available for $3675. Click here for dates.)

If you've always wanted to trek through the Amazon with the kind of guys that will cook up a gator or ocelot for dinner, we can help make it happen. A "friend of a friend" runs a jungle survival camp in Peru. The next program takes place in November. At just $1200 plus airfare, it's an adventure bargain.  (Of course, you will have to build your own "hotel room".) If you're interested, give us a call or send us an email and we'll direct you to all the info.

Incredible Adventures


Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.
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