Incredible Adventures News and Updates
Adventure News - January 2010 - Make it an Adventure-Filled Year
Incredible News is a free publication from Incredible Adventures. Phone: 800-644-7382.
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"It Was By Far The Best Money I Have Ever Spent"

We know it's not polite to brag, but we just can't help ourselves. We made another dream come true last month!

MiG 29 Flight to Edge of SpaceHere are snippets from an incredible letter we received from Florida resident Paul Cusma shortly after his December flight to the edge of space in a Russian MiG-29:

"I wanted to thank you for making my dream come true. The experience was unbelievable. I will never forget it and probably will never come close to matching it...

...We circled and then accelerated past the sound barrier to Mach 1.9. We then went upwards to about 70,000 feet. Near the top I felt weightlessness for several seconds. I saw the curvature of the earth and the dark sky above...

MiG Adventure in Russia...The expectations for this trip were set so high and it still easily surpassed them. I hope that whomever reads this steps up to the plate because I guarantee you will regret it the rest of your life if you don't because you have no idea what you are missing until you do it...

...At the end of my life, I doubt that my kids are going to be upset about a little less inheritance. Hopefully they will learn to be motivated enough to do whatever is necessary to make their dreams come true because you only live once..."

If you'd like to read more of what it's like to fly a MiG, through Paul's eyes, contact Greg Claxton.  Paul has generously given us permission to share his trip report with anyone considering a MiG flight in Russia. 

The New President of our Fan Club Shared Video Too

Video and photos are part of every MiG adventure, but we rarely get to see a client's flight footage.  Video is taken by the airbase's videographer, edited at the base, approved by Russian security officials, then sent directly to the MiG flyer's home. We'd like to thank Paul for posting highlights of his flight footage to YouTube for us and everyone else to see. You can find a link to the video highlights here.

Warning: Viewing the video could cause you to pick up the phone and schedule a MiG adventure. (1-800-FLY MIGS)

How Would a Trip to the Edge of Space Change Your Life?

MiG Flight to Edge of SpaceThat's the question Intel® is asking customers in a new sweepstakes promotion open exclusively to residents of 10 countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand.  The individual in each country who gives the best answer, in 25 words or less, will win a MiG flight to the edge of space with Incredible Adventures. (Read more about the promotion and rules for entry here.)

Nothing Says Love Like a Dogfight

Air Combat & DogfightingSend your Valentine on an incredible adventure this year.

We offer gift certificates for air combat missions, shark dives, airship flights and more. Give us a call and we'll help you choose just the right gift for the loved one in your life. 800-644-7382



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The Perfect "Mancation"

Mancations - male bonding vacations for menThe popular website Wikipedia defines "mancation" as "an all-male bonding vacation" and claims 20 million American men go on mancations each year. If you and your buddies are some of those "mancationers", we definitely have the trip for you!

Spend a week in Russia with your comrades, playing soldier under the guidance of Russian military experts. If you had fun playing soldier with your friends as a kid, you'll love our combat camp for grown-ups.

Our newest Russian Ops adventure takes you to a top-secret location outside Moscow for intense military-style survival training.  You'll be taught how to set up and hide a camp, find food and water, make a fire and more. Bond with your buddies over a little hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting and Makarov shooting out in the woods.

This 8 day, 7 night Russian Ops adventure is priced at $20,000 for a group of 4 friends and includes just about everything but airfare to Moscow. For a detailed itinerary, call or email us today.

There's an Op for That

HALO Tandem Parachute Jumping AdventureWe've got military adventures running out our ears! In the last month alone, we've gained special access to training facilities in California, North Carolina and Tennessee. Just name it. We've got the guys to teach you, and the places to do it. Want to drive a tank? Skydive from a helicopter? Engage in a hostage rescue operation? Learn evasive driving, or how to survive in the wild? Land, sea and air, we've got it all.

We focus on delivering pure fun, but our guys can get serious too. Need to learn how to stay safe at home and abroad, on land and at sea? Special Forces soldiers have been trained to teach and they're ready to share their knowledge with you.

Like army green? Call us. We love talking machine guns and rocket propelled grenades :)

See Big Sharks

Great White Shark Expeditions to Isla GuadalupeIt's only January and our 2010 Great White Shark Expeditions to Isla Guadalupe are almost sold out. We guess the word is out that the trips are incredible and the white sharks are plentiful. The season kicks off in August and runs through November. Staterooms aboard the luxury-boat Nautilus Explorer are $2850 and $3350. For more information, visit our website or email Sheri.

Shark Diving in San FranciscoOur one-day shark adventures in San Francisco are also selling like hotcakes.

White shark season at the Farallones is September 25th through November 13th. Cage diving is $875 and topside viewing is $375.

We haven't yet released our schedule of two-day, overnight expeditions to the Farallones.  (We're currently on a quest to find the perfect new overnight shark boat to serve as a platform for this year's trips. If you know of a great liveaboard in the San Francisco Bay Area, please let us know so we can check it out.) We anticipate announcing two-day dates and boat info March 1st. Keep watching this newsletter for details or contact us for the latest shark news.

Incredible Adventures

800-644-7382 / 941-346-2603

Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.

© 2010 Incredible Adventures, Inc. 6604 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, Florida 34242

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