Incredible Adventures News and Updates

Adventure News - February 2010 - 2nd Edition

Incredible News is a free publication from Incredible Adventures. Phone: 800-644-7382.
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Starfighters to Perform at TICO Airshow

F-104 Starfighters Demonstration TeamSee Rick, Smitty and the rest of the Starfighters Aerospace team dazzle crowds as they take to the air in the star of IA's new space flight training adventure, the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. The F-104 Starfighters will perform at this year's Valiant Air Command TICO Warbirds Airshow, to be held March 12, 13 and 14 at Space Coast Regional Airport in Titusville, Florida. For more information about the event, visit the show's official website

Spurs Aren't Just for Cowboys

Early Starfighters pilots were called "cowboys" because of their unique flight-day footwear.  Starfighter pilots (and space flight trainees) wear spurs over their boots. The spurs attach to the jet's ejection seats and help keep feet properly positioned in the event there's a need to leave the airplane in a big hurry.

Operation Airwolf

Incredible Adventures Airwolf Air Combat

Fly the M-26 Airwolf with a  Hollywood Top Gun stunt pilot. Engage in air combat against an unknown enemy. See why we think this Polish military trainer is the best thing out of Poland since sausage and perogies.

Missions take off from Van Nuys Airport near Los Angeles. The $1200 pricetag includes stunt pilot services, flight time and raw production footage.  Video editing services are available at an additional cost. For more info, contact us or Greg at 800-644-7382.

Video Profiles "California's Galapagos"

Islands White SharksEach year, we take hundreds of shark lovers to San Francisco's Farallon Islands to cage dive with great white sharks.  The Farallons are known as one of the best places in the world to view great white sharks in the wild.

Cage Dive with Great White SharksSharks aren't all the Farallones are known for.  If you'd like to learn more about a very wild place, we suggest taking 10 minutes to view a documentary produced by Northern California's KQED Public TV. You can view the profile of the Farallones on the Farallones Marine Sanctuary website:

This year's white shark season runs from September 25 to November 13. No dive experience is necessary to get into the shark cage. For details, visit our website or contact us.


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Active Shooter - Tactical Ops

A teller has sounded the silent alarm at the bank. Your team gets the call and is Incredible Adventures Tactical Opsthe first to respond. It's up to you to identify and neutralize the threat. Every minute that goes by increases the chance someone will get hurt.

Our newest Ops Adventure puts you in the shoes of a SWAT officer called to stop a crime in progress.  Spend two incredibly intense days training with experts and putting your new skills to the test in realistic live-action scenarios. The adrenaline is real. The bullets are fake.

Your introduction to the world of elite law enforcement takes place in California, inside the country's largest indoor tactical training facility. The cost is $2750 per person, plus hotel and travel costs.  

We're now filling March and April dates. For more information, contact us at 800-644-7382.

(Note: This adventure is so top-secret, it's not on our website yet. If you need info, you've got to call or email.)

Hollywood Speed Freak Meets Brazilian Speed Freak

Hollywood Top Gun Pilot Dave Riggs is scheduled to appear in a Pay Per Brazilian Speed FreakView Special later this year. Initial footage has already been shot on location in Brazil with world record skydiver Luigi Cani. The duo of daredevils will attempt the world's first formation flight of a jet fighter and human skydiver.  For a preview of the show, check out the website

Hollywood Top Gun L-39 AdventureIf you'd like to make your own pay-per-view special featuring the L-39 jet trainer, let us know. It's easy. Schedule a flight with our production team and charge your friends to watch the production quality video you take home.

Thanks for Reading! (But if you want us to go away, just ask.)

Our free monthly newsletter has now become a free semi-monthly newsletter. Beginning with this issue, you'll get an extra dose of Adventure News each month for the same zero cost.  (Unless, of course, you don't want our news. Feel free to cancel your free subscription at any time. There's a convenient "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of each email newsletter we send.)

Incredible Adventures

800-644-7382 / 941-346-2603

Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all.

© 2010 Incredible Adventures, Inc. 6604 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, Florida 34242

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